Release Notes: Affirmations Flow Browser Extension
Version [June 08, 2022]
We have added features to batch export and import affirmations using spreadsheets (.xls). Now you can download your affirmations from Affirmation Flow chrome extension to your computer. You can also upload your affirmations via a spreadsheet and add them to Affirmations Flow together. You are no longer needed to add each affirmation manually to the extension.
Version [March 24, 2022]
We have added an 'Options' icon. When you hover the mouse over it, it shows a dropup menu with four options - Community, Feedback, How it works and Rate us. We are planning to launch a community for users to discuss and share knowledge. Now you can also share your feedback and suggest ideas for imporving the extension.
Version [February 23, 2022]
Permissions have been changed in terms of subdomains. Previously, permission 'Read and change your data on' related to only 'www' subdomain. Considering future possibilities, we have changed the persmission to include all subdomains of the domain
Version [February 21, 2022]
Permissions have been changed. We noticed that the extension is asking for the permission 'to read your browsing history', which is not at all needed for its functionality. So we have removed those persmission and kept the minimum permission that are needed. Current permission 'Read and change your data on' means it reads your new tab affirmations to determine for how long it has been displayed so that it can be shuffled after thirty minutes.
Version [February 18, 2022]
Logo has been added.
Version [February 9, 2022]
Console logs has been removed. They are not needed for the successful use of the extension by the user.
Version [January 28, 2022]
First version of Affirmations flow has been added.